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Bahamas Mother's Day Concert

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Hillview SDA Church

2JVH+P83, Tonique Williams-Darling Hwy, Nassau, Bahamas



Bahamas Tour Dates

Friday May 10 - 7pm - Vespers - Francophone SDA

Saturday May 11 - Centreville SDA - Sabbath School
Saturday May 11 - Living Faith SDA - Sabbath School
Saturday May 11 - Grants Town SDA - Divine Service

Saturday May 11 - 7:00 p.m. - Pre- Mothers' Day Concert - Hillview SDA

Sunday May 12 - 8:30 a.m. - Golden Gates Assembly
Sunday May 12 - 10:30 a.m. - Evangelistic Temple 

About Ubuntu

Ubuntu is an African philosophy best captured in the statement: I am because we are. It asserts that my humanity is caught up, inextricably wound up, in yours. We believe a person is a person through other persons. It is not "I think, therefore, I am.” Rather, it says: I am human because I belong, I participate, and I share. We celebrate the image of God in all people and strive to reflect our Creator in the pursuit of community and excellence.

A person who embraces this philosophy is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for she or he has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that she or he belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are oppressed or treated as if they were less than who they are. 

Ubuntu of Burman University adopts this philosophy as a way of life that affirms and celebrates the contribution of all those on whose shoulders we stand. The people we are is because of other people, and this is why we tell their stories through song. We particularly enjoy teaching this way of life and telling stories through Negro Spirituals, Gospel, African American church music, and showcasing the contributions of Black composers to the tapestry that is choral music. Romando Carey, Ubuntu's Musical Director, is supported by Nicole Bartolay (accompanist) and a team of student conductors and accompanists.



Soprano 1
Stanesha Deligence
Julie Nembhard
Hanneli Agudo
Jessica Armstrong
Jordane Smith*
Soprano 2
Samara Belhomme
Anna Flores
Michelle Mitchell
Rhovoy Williams
Lidia Cofles Gualtero
Alto 1
Pamela Kazembe
Taehee Kim
Jennella Watson
Brynae Finley
Deicy Alcudia
Alto 2
Rhi-Onna Carey
Donesha Cooper
Shovonna Watson
Getty Tsikai Sinbarasi
Tenor 1
Steve Tagarao 
Sam Mtike
Jeremy Agyei
Joshua Rudasingwa
Tenor 2
Jake Choi
Levontae Ferguson 
Nahum Batiancila
Ajay Gordon
Jayden Cassimy
Tyler Saunders*
Bass 1
Sean Kapakasa*
Boris Ruzindana
Alex Parchment
Abel Safawo
Joshua Lange
Bass 2
Terrence Pervilon
Joshel Etienne
Michael Isabirye
Ekow Aidoo
Bruce Ruzindana*


Romando Carey, Conductor
Nicole Bartolay, Accompanist



  • Online at
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  • By cheque, made out to Burman University.
    Mailing address: 6730 University Drive, Lacombe, AB, T4L 2E5
  • By contacting the Office of Advancement. Please call Shannon at 1.800.661.8129 x 8 or 403.782.3381 ext. 4161.

Your gift is tax-deductible

Contact Info

Phone: (647) 545 6523
IG: ubuntu.choir
Youtube: Ubuntu of Burman University
Facebook: Ubuntu of Burman University
