eNews Summer 2020 - Assistance for Students
COVID Tuition Relief Campaign Will Offer Help to Students

All of us face challenges because of COVID-19, including students at Burman University. Because many traditional jobs have not been available this summer, they question how they will afford tuition.
But Burman University firmly believes that students who face financial challenges because of COVID-19 should be able to continue their education.
For this reason, Burman will roll back the 2% increase in tuition and all other planned fee increases for the 2020-2021 academic year to help ease the financial burden on students. In addition, Burman University has initiated a special summer fund-raising campaign: the COVID-19 FALL 2020 TUITION RELIEF CAMPAIGN.
The amount available to students depends on the generosity of the donors who hold Burman students close to their hearts.
The total amount donated will be distributed to returning Burman students.
Eligible students will apply for funding from the COVID-19 FALL 2020 TUITION RELIEF FUND. Forms are available online and must be submitted by September 13, 2020.
When course registration has been finalized for the Fall Semester, funds will be credited to students who are in greatest need. They will appreciate your support. As Allesandro Coronado, third-year Religious Studies major, states, “I am thankful for this campaign and how it will benefit students who haven’t had the opportunity to work this summer because of the pandemic. We are grateful for the concern and commitment of donors and the Burman community!”
This campaign doesn’t replace the ongoing Shaping the World Campaign or the annual Student Aid Campaign. It is a special one—perhaps even an extraordinary one. If your circumstances allow, please consider participating in Burman University’s COVID-19 FALL 2020 TUITION RELIEF CAMPAIGN.
Burman Helps Ensure Food Security During the Pandemic

Extraordinary times encourage people to adapt and grow. And growth is literally what is happening on campus.
To help ensure food security during the pandemic, Burman University has created a community garden space for the campus family.
The community garden is located near the Welcome Centre. Members of the faculty and staff, and some students who are in Lacombe for the summer can grow corn, beets, lettuce, onions, marigolds, and other plants.
Burman is happy to provide the land for community gardening purposes, especially during the pandemic.
In addition, Burman employees are encouraged to make a difference in the community through acts of service. Every month, employees can take up to two hours of paid time to participate in service. Although COVID-19 restrictions prevent some forms of activity, these same restrictions have created other opportunities.
Canada Supports International Students

Burman University and its international student community were happy to learn that the Government of Canada is making temporary policy changes that support and reassure international students and learning institutions.
The changes, which were announced by Marco E.L. Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, will give students more certainty about their ability to enter Canada once travel and health restrictions are eased.
As Mendicino states, “The pandemic has had a significant impact on international students and the Canadian institutions and communities that host them. This is why we have implemented a series of measures to support them. We value the contribution of young people seeking a high-quality education in Canada, and we’re making every effort to minimize how current challenges affect their plans and dreams for the future.”