Have you ever gone to a place where you don’t feel like you belong? Or perhaps you were trying to belong and got no time of day or attention? How did that make you feel? What did you do when this happened?
I remember when I was in elementary school, they were picking people to be on a team, and I was waiting to be selected. Several names were called, and then I thought, when am I going to be picked? Finally, I heard my name. I was excited and felt good. Then, I looked at those who were left behind. One person did not get selected, and they looked very sad. In fact, they ran out of the area, and the teacher had to go after that person to make sure they were okay and bring them back.
As I reminisce on this experience, it reminds me of the fact that we all desire to belong, to be chosen, and to be included. No one wants to be left behind or overlooked. How do you feel sometimes?
How can we create an environment that is conducive to learning, development and engagement that is inclusive, respects diversity and demonstrates equity for all at Burman? I believe this is consequential for creating cohesion and community. I believe by working together in harmony and affirming our values, we can strive to ensure that everyone, regardless of ability, age, cultural back ground, ethnicity, or faith, has the opportunity to reach their full potential with dignity and respect.
As we approach this festive season, we are reminded that when our Lord Jesus came into this world, it was polarized by politics, power, cultural influences, prejudice, inequities, and discrimination. He was placed on the first-born list to be killed and had to seek refuge in another country. He was born in unformidable conditions, a manger. He was treated less than, yet wise men came to worship Him. He lived a life to uplift all people: women, men, children, the disabled, downtrodden, excluded, sick, and stigmatized. He met with them, spoke with them, ate with them, spent time with them, and healed those who needed it. He did not discriminate. He was an equal opportunity God, Saviour, and Friend. He says in John 6:37, "All that My Father gives Me will come to Me; and the one who comes to Me I will most certainly not cast out [I will never never reject anyone who follows Me]."
At Burman, we are striving to advocate for equality, justice, and equity in our work and initiatives. We have a Burman Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee that is committed to ensuring diversity is interwoven into the very fabric of the university’s mission, vision, and values through leadership/faculty/staff and to our students. By working collaboratively, we will make strides toward a more inclusive environment where everyone’s rights are protected, and everyone’s voice is heard, and create a place where everyone belongs. We all belong to God, so let’s ensure we all belong together!
Dr. Daniel D. Saugh