Burman Ministry Centre
Vision and Goals
The Burman Ministry Centre serves the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada, and beyond. We are open-minded in our ideas, vision, and goals in order to be effective in today's world.
OUR VISION is to establish an SDACC-wide centre to support research, student learning, innovative evangelistic strategies, and action-based ministry resources.
1. Internship Training
The centre will work with partners to provide paid summer internships to enhance Core Quality competencies for students in pastoral training programs and support local ministries across Canada, as well as provide ongoing training to intern pastors in the field.
2. Evangelism Research and Strategies
The centre will serve as a hub for evaluating evangelistic strategies and existing resources, collaborate with local conferences to reach various populations in Canada, and provide research support for these strategies.
3. Youth/Young Adult Ministries Leadership
The centre will work with conference youth leaders to support various children, youth, and young adult ministries and to facilitate regular Canada-wide youth and young adult initiatives.
4. Digital Ministries Support
The centre will work with students at Burman and young adults from across Canada to develop new digital resources for local and national ministries and serve as a clearinghouse for available digital resources.