Coach Ritchey

Posters went up at the beginning of September 1973 at CUC for Tryouts for a much anticipated Tumbling Team. 5 months earlier the future coach of the CUC tumbling team
was traveling the world with his brother. There was a letter that arrived in Kelowna from then President Neville Matthews addressed to Landon Ritchey stating, " you are sincerely invited to interview for a Physical Education position at CUC for Fall of 73.
On the way home from Australia, Landon had a chance meeting with a Dr. Kawecki at the airport in Fiji, who was the skipper of a large yacht. His question to me was, can you dive well enough to check any maintenance issues under my ship? Yes, I said. I had completed the N.ational A.ssociation of U.nderWater I.nstructors SCUBA course at Loma Linda U a few years before.... He also told me that they needed another deck-hand and would give me $250.00 a month for spending, all other expenses were covered and we would be traveling around the globe over the next couple of years. Most Acronaire members never knew that the Founding of the Acro Team hung in the balance for the next 7 days. Dr. Kawecki said he would call me next Sunday at 8 am B.C. time for my answer. What would you have done?? Well, team members, the rest is history and that is what we will be celebrating March 8-10 2024.
There were close to 60 kids that tried out for the team in the Autumn of 1973. It was obvious once the tryouts began that we were starting from ground the tumbling talent pool. What the tumblers lacked in talent they sure made up for in enthusiasm. When a coach has students that are enthusiastic and willing to work hard the sky's the limit. Little did these future "stars" know they would be shooting into the sky in a variety of ways for many years to come. These awesome ambassadors would tour the world over the next 50 years representing their school and Christianity. What a testament to their teachers, administration, and coaching leadership.
What qualities was Coach Ritchey looking for as he made his decisions when choosing the very first Olympix/Acronaires team? A team member needed to have many qualities aside from physical prowess. The acrobatic team would be going on tour representing CUC. One of their goals would be to attract students to Parkview Adventist Academy and the University. Team members needed speaking abilities, to be quick-witted in public, musical, and be a good representation of our institutions. Does that mean each person chosen on the team would have all of those qualities you might ask? The Answer is, No!
Only the coach and assistant coach, Wayne Culmore, knew some of the secret attributes we were looking for. Leadership was a big quality we wanted. And there was another
factor that coach Ritchey, in particular, would include in his choosing a team member. I will leave that answer for anyone reading this to PONDER. During the BIG WEEKEND of the 50th Anniversary, I will be happy to answer that question when approached by former team members or anyone else too.
It was in the Spring that "Physical Panorama 1974" burst onto the stage in the Old CUC Gym. The anticipation of the first CUC performance of the Olympix had been building for months. There was a real buzz on campus. The intramural program had been operating through The Physical Education Department successfully from the Fall of 73 with Flagball, Hockey and into the Spring with Fastball. But now all the rumors of the new Acrobatic team's premiere performance were reaching a climax. Saturday night the whole CUC Campus and surrounding community would get to finally see the much-anticipated production. They were about to see a trained troupe perform circus maneuvers that no one in this neighborhood had ever seen before.
That Saturday night launched one of the most exciting and successful acrobatic teams in Canadian history. We know that to be true because in March of 2024 The Acronaires will be celebrating 50 years. A hats off to all the coaches that have given their sweat and thousands of hours of personal time to the longevity of a very special Team.
This is Coach Ritchey hoping to see many former team members and their friends and family at the 50-year Celebration at Burman University in the Spring of 2024. See you there.
God Bless.