Transportation >
Institutional Use Policies
Institutional Use Policies
- The transportation office is located at Facility Maintenance. The phone number is 403-782-3381, ext. 4135 and the fax number is 1-866-928-9503.
- A reservation will only be made if a reservation form is received by online form or in person. Three days notice is suggested. A call can be made to see if a vehicle is available, but no reservations (tentative or confirmed) will be made by telephone. You can also view the transportation schedule on line, under booking schedule. When the form is received, a booking will be made if the proper GL number is included. If the vehicle is not already booked, the reservation will be made and the department will receive an e-mail confirmation. The department can plan on using the vehicle only after the e-mail confirmation is received. All reservations must be made during office hours. (Office hours: M-Th 8:00-12:00, 1:00-5:00; Fr 8:00-11:30, closed stat. holidays)
- All requesting departments must use drivers on the approved drivers list. If needed, we can supply a driver for the requesting department
- There are no “tentative” bookings.
- In the case of a cancellation, the requesting department should contact the transportation department as soon as possible. If you need to cancel a trip, please cancel a minimum of 24 hours (on a business day) before scheduled travel time. If you cancel after this time, and you have hired a driver, your department will be charged an inconvenience fee of $50.00 per cancellation (driver pay and processing fee.)
- Faculty and staff of Burman have access to institutional use reservations only. Airport Shuttle is for Burman students only.