Online Learning
Registration Online
For a seamless registration experience, please use Google Chrome and allow pop-ups.
1. If you have attended Burman University (CUC) before you can go directly to the Student Portal and login ( Instructions for registering can be found here.
a) If you have forgotten your password, please contact Information Technology at or you can call 403-782-3381 x4021.
b) For tuition charges, please check that you are sponsored by SDACC.
2. If you have not attended Burman before you will have to fill out an Application for Admission.
For Program of Study select "Open - Education"
For Expected Entrance Term select either SU-2025/26-1 or 2025/26-2 depending on when your first course starts.
You do not need to fill out the Education Background section or provide any supporting documents.
Once your Application for Admission is submitted and processed you will receive an email within 5 business days giving you a user name and password to access the Student Portal where you can register. Visual instructions for registering can be found here.
For any questions or concerns regarding applications, please contact Admissions at