Graduate Information
Congratulations Graduates! You are almost there!
We look forward to celebrating YOU and the culmination of your educational journey here at Burman University. Our hope is that our graduation weekend events, which are naturally filled with ceremony and tradition, will honor you as our graduate and create wonderful memories for you and your family.
We feel that when you clearly understand the importance of your role in the weekend's events, and how you contribute to the success of these events, this weekend will be an experience that you can look back on with pride. On the other hand, for graduates who show up late, wear their regalia improperly, or don't understand where to walk or what to do, the weekend can be stressful, disappointing, or embarrassing.
It is our goal is to ensure that commencement weekend events run smoothly and that you have a wonderful weekend celebrating this milestone with all your loved ones.
What you need to know:
The first rule of success is to "Show Up". Know where you need to be, when you need to be there, and what you are supposed to be wearing.
And remember to eat breakfast so that you can avoid feeling faint or ill during the services.
Regalia is the name given to the academic cap, gown, and hood. For men, the regalia is traditionally worn over a dress shirt and tie with dark trousers and shoes. For women, the regalia is traditionally worn over a dark semi-formal attire with dark shoes.
For the standard graduation cap, check inside the cap to see what part is marked front. If there is no indication, you may see that one side has an elastic - that part will be in the back. Though it may look like there is no difference, it fits best and looks best when worn properly. The tassel will hang off of the front left corner of your cap.
If your graduation gown is wrinkled, it is best to hang it up and steam it lightly. Be very careful if you try to iron the wrinkles out. Use low heat because some gowns are made from material that can melt quite easily.
Academic regalia includes a hood worn over the gown. The hood goes over your head and hangs down the back of your robe. Notice that the hood has a velvet strip along the part of the hood closest to your neck. The hood is oriented properly when the velvet is closest to your chin and the border of black material and colored trim (if present) are below the velvet. You can pin this hood to the front of your gown or during the graduation lineup, you may request help in pinning your hood to ensure it hangs properly. The hood is worn for two of the main services during graduation weekend (i.e. the Baccalaureate Service on Sabbath morning, and the Commencement Service on Sunday morning).
Other additions:
Please note that medallions, honors cords, and cultural stoles issued by Burman University academic entities are the only permissible additions to the academic regalia. Medallions or cords issued by clubs are not allowed. No other ornamentation can be added, worn, or carried in the academic procession. This is an academic celebration and is not a time to promote or recognize non-academic causes or events. Your cooperation is expected and greatly appreciated. Please don't be offended if you are asked to remove non-academic additions to the regalia.
To ensure that you find your place in line, show up at least 30 minutes before the start of each program. If you arrive late on Sunday for Commencement you may not be allowed to march in because your place in line is critical (see "Finding Your Place in Line" below). For the Baccalaureate, the order of march is less important. Please ensure that you leave personal belongings with your family or friends. You should not have anything in hand when marching. There will be someone at the Chapel doors to tell you when to enter. When you begin your walk down the aisle, note the distance to the graduate in front of you and try to maintain that same distance the whole way down the aisle.
Order of March:
Baccalaureate: graduates march in first, followed by the platform party (everyone in regalia).
Commencement: the Marshal (a faculty member carrying the university mace) will march in first followed by the graduates and then the faculty in full regalia.
Finding Your Place In Line:
- Line up in the Earliteen room in the basement of the church at 10:30 am.
- Must be ready to leave promptly at 10:50 am.
- You may march in with anyone that you choose in any order you wish.
- Line up in the Administration Building Chapel at 9:20 am.
- For this service, the lineup is highly regulated. Your marching order will be determined by your degree. You must march in this order or your name will be read out of sequence and you will not be in the right place.
- You must be lined up and ready to go no later than 9:50 am.
- Follow directions when marching in. There will be someone at the door of the chapel to greet you and let you know when you should go in. Please stop when you get to the doors, smile, and wait for your cue.
- From here on, everything should flow rather smoothly. Enjoy the service!
- Keep your graduation cap on during the service although Men should remove their cap for prayer following the lead of the platform party.
- During the ceremony, the class sponsors will get you to the right place at the right time. Just follow their cues.
- Burman's photographer will take excellent pictures of you accepting your degree. Ask your parents and friends to stay in their seats so as not to block the view of the live stream, the photographer, or other guests.
Graduates march out following the Marshal. Do not stop in the church as this creates a huge bottleneck. After exiting the church keep walking away from the entrance to let the others out and follow the sidewalk to the Sundial at the center of campus where refreshments will be served. Tell your family and friends to meet you there for photos after the service.
- In the event of inclement weather, this meeting place will be moved to the CHCS gym across the street.
Above all, have fun! This is your day - following the conferral of degrees by the president, you are now a proud alum of Burman University! Congratulations!
Stay informed!
Check your email - all academic offices send information pertinent to graduation through your Burman email.
Make sure you fill out the forms that are sent - this helps us with the information needed to ensure successful programming during grad weekend.
Thursday, April 24, 2025 - College Heights Church
Grad Dinner - 5:00 pm (Graduates only) This is a pizza feast hosted by the Office of Advancement to welcome you into the Burman Alumni.
Grad Rehearsal - 5:45 pm sharp! - Attendance is mandatory for all graduates. Bring your regalia for the class photo!
Friday, April 25, 2025 - College Heights Church
Consecration - 7:30 pm (Seating begins at 7 pm) This is a vespers-style program, you will not wear your regalia, nor will you march in.
Saturday, April 26, 2025 - College Heights Church
Sabbath School - 9:15 am (Students involved, please arrive by 8:45 am)
Baccalaureate - 11:00 am Gown required. (Graduates, please arrive at 10:30 am in the church basement)
* Grad Reception - 5:30 pm (Invited guests to include graduates and their families, faculty, and board members) This is a come-and-go event, an opportunity to mingle and introduce your family to your professors or fellow graduates and enjoy a relaxing evening. *This event is hosted in the CHCS gymnasium, across the street from the church.
Sunday, April 27, 2025 - College Heights Church
Commencement - 10:00 am Gown required. (Graduates arrive at 9:20 am in the Administration Building Chapel to begin lining up)
Things to note for SUNDAY:
- Men, please remember to remove your cap during prayer.
- Leave personal items with your family or friends. You will not want to have anything in hand when marching. There will be programs in your seats.
- Let your friends and family know to meet you at the Sundial immediately following the service as you will proceed directly there.
- Do not stop in the church lobby or entrance. This will create a bottleneck for those exiting the church.
- Burman has a professional photographer to take photos during Commencement.
- Please remind your family and friends that photos are not to be taken past the last row of graduate seating so they don’t block the Livestream, the photographer, or other people.
- Commencement and class photos will be available on the website to download free of charge after graduation.