LIFEstyle Medicine and Flourishing Centre
Welcome! To the webpage of the LIFEstyle Medicine and Flourishing Centre, a place where research, education, and practice meet! We are so glad that you have stopped by to check us out.
We are inspired by the words of Jesus that say “I have come that they may have LIFE, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10. This is our goal and hope for you.
Please take the time to browse our site by looking through the links on the left and if you would like more information or to become a member, a donor, or a volunteer please click here. Below you can see our mission and vision as well as an explanation of what LIFEstyle Medicine and Flourishing is all about!
Mission Statement: The Mission of the LIFEstyle Medicine and Flourishing Centre is to pursue transformative research, education, and practice in lifestyle medicine and flourishing.
Vision: Restoring LIFE in humanity.
Why LIFEstyle Medicine and Flourishing?
Health is more than just the absence of disease. Humans were created to thrive and flourish, not just survive. The prevention of illness and the treatment of disease is not enough for full, enriched living. The way we live our lives (our lifestyle) is deeply connected to our health and our ability to flourish. While all would agree that our physical health can impact our mental health, the impacts of our mental health on our physical health are often under-appreciated.
When the Creator breathed into us the breath of life, a living soul resulted. Lifestyle Medicine and Flourishing (LMF) emphasizes whole person care. The LMF principles and practices support the care of mind, body, and spirit, nurturing wholistic wellness, while preventing and treating disease. It incorporates a plant based diet consisting of minimally processed whole foods, consistent physical activity, rejuvenating rest, positive relationships built on trust, appropriate management of stress, and abstinence from harmful substances. Adventists have long understood that in addition to the above mentioned evidence-based pillars, sunshine, fresh air, intake of adequate pure water, and a weekly rest day (Sabbath) for focused relationship with our Creator, our family of faith, and service to others, further contribute to whole person health. Altogether, these facets of lifestyle combine to promote health, freedom from disease, and overall flourishing.
Flourishing is a broad construct that includes experiences of love, joy, and peace; mental and physical health; meaningful and purposeful existence; life affirming character and virtue; interpersonal, synergistic, relational and personal vitality and connection; and overall experiences of satisfying wellness. At its deepest level, flourishing is more than the pursuit of happiness and well-being. It is striving to live each moment as God designed and created us to live.
In summary, LIFEstyle Medicine and Flourishing at Burman University is about the treatment and prevention of disease and the promotion of experiences of flourishing through the natural principles designed by our Creator.