Research & Resources
Research & Resources for LIFE HUB
If you are interested in learning more about LIFEstyle Medicine and Flourishing check out the information listed below!
The information is listed according to the LIFE HUB acronym. Flourishing principles are an integral part of all the LIFE HUB principles but for ease of reference are included under a separate heading at the end. Please check back regularly as we add to the resources on this page!
Discover the evidence-based healing properties of sunlight, and why God’s first command was “Let there be light”
Light stimulation of mitochondria reduces blood glucose levels
Powner, M. B. & Jeffery, G. (2024). Light Stimulation of mitochondria reduces blood glucose levels. Journal of Biophotonics, 17(5).
Melatonin and the optics of the human body
Zimmerman, S. & Reiter, R. (2019). Melatonin and the optics of the human body. Melatonin Research, 2(1).
Avoidance of sun exposure as a risk factor for major causes of death: a competing risk analysis of the Melanoma in Southern Sweden cohort
Lindqvist, P. G., Epstein, E., Nielsen, K., Landin-Olsson, M., Ingvar, C., & Olsson, H. (2016). Avoidance of sun exposure as a risk factor for major causes of death: a competing risk analysis of the Melanoma in Southern Sweden cohort. Journal of Internal Medicine, 280(4), 375–387.
Abundant fresh air is pivotal to life itself and provides healthy oxygenated blood to heal damaged organs and tissues. “God breathed into man the breath of life, and he became a living soul.” Moments of flourishing are part of inspiration, an invitation to "breathe in" moments of vitality, gratitude and awareness of the breath that is with us, that nourishes us, and affirms the life within us.
A Breath of Fresh Air: Perspectives on Inhaled Nutrients and Bacteria to Improve Human Health
Fayet-Moore, F. & Robinson, S.R. (2024). A breath of fresh air: Perspectives on inhaled nutrients and bacteria to improve human health. Advances in Nutrition, 15(12), 1-10.
Our original diet was defined in the very first chapter of scripture! Genesis 1:29. Whole foods from plants are human fuel, providing not only energy, but incredible healing in their constituents.
Six Applications of Plant Based Diets for Health Promotion
Stancic, S., Cullimore, J., Barnard, N. (2022). Six applications of plant based diets for health promotion. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 16(4), 434-438.
Plant- and fish-derived n-3 PUFAs suppress citrobacter rodentium-induced colonic inflammation
Määttänen, P., Lurz, E., Botts, S. R., Wu, R. Y., Robinson, S. C., Yeung, C. W., Colas, R., Li, B., Johnson-Henry, K. C., Surette, M. E., Dalli, J., & Sherman, P. M. (2020). Plant- and fish-derived n-3 PUFAs suppress citrobacter rodentium-induced colonic inflammation. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 64(6), e1900873.
Human milk oligosaccharides increase mucin expression in experimental necrotizing enterocolitis
Wu, R. Y., Li, B., Koike, Y., Määttänen, P., Miyake, H., Cadete, M., Johnson-Henry, K. C., Botts, S. R., Lee, C., Abrahamsson, T. R., Landberg, E., Pierro, A., & Sherman, P. M. (2019). Human milk oligosaccharides increase mucin expression in experimental necrotizing enterocolitis. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 63(3), e1800658.
Non-digestible oligosaccharides directly regulate host kinome to modulate host inflammatory responses without alterations in the gut microbiota
Wu, R. Y., Määttänen, P., Napper, S., Scruten, E., Li, B., Koike, Y., Johnson-Henry, K. C., Pierro, A., Rossi, L., Botts, S. R., Surette, M. G., & Sherman, P. M. (2017). Non-digestible oligosaccharides directly regulate host kinome to modulate host inflammatory responses without alterations in the gut microbiota. Microbiome, 5(1), 135.
We were prescribed by our Creator to “tend to the garden”, and regular physical activity is known to be an effective prescription for most chronic conditions.
Comparative efficacy of various exercise interventions on cognitive function in patients with mild cognitive impairment or dementia: A systematic review and network meta-analysis
Huang, X., Zhao, X., Li, B., Cai, Y., Zhang, S., Wan., Q., & Yu, F. (2022). Comparative efficacy of various exercise interventions on cognitive function in patients with mild cognitive impairment or dementia: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 11(2), 212-223.
Roles and molecular mechanisms of physical exercise in cancer prevention and treatment
Wang, Q. & Zhou, W. (2021). Roles and molecular mechanisms of physical exercise in cancer prevention and treatment. Journal of Health and Sport Science, 10(2), 201-210.
The exercise pill-too good to be true?
Goodyear, L.J. (2008). The exercise pill—too good to be true? New England Journal of Medicine, 359(17), 1842-1844.
Adequate intake of pure water is especially critical for those who are highly active, and because it carries zero calories, it is the liquid of choice for sustaining a healthy body. The effective use of external hot and cold water treatments for healing has been appreciated for millennia.
Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy on Neuropathic Pain
Campo, A., Pacichana-Quinayáz, S., Bonilla-Escobar ,F., Leiva-Pemberthy, L., Tovar-Sánchez, M, Hernández-Orobio, O., Arango-Hoyos, G, Mujanovic, A. (2022). Effectiveness of hydrotherapy on neuropathic pain and pain catastrophization in patients with spinal cord injury: Protocol for a pilot trial study. JMIR Research Protocals, 11(4).
Scientific Evidence-Based Effects of Hydrotherapy on Various Systems of the Body
Mooventhan, A., & Nivethitha, L. (2014). Scientific evidence-based effects of hydrotherapy on various systems of the body. North American Journal of Medical Sciences, 6(5), 199–209.
After adequate food and water intake, cardiovascular exercise (physical activity), and appropriate exposure to sunshine, our bodies will desire restoration through sleep. Not only is resting important every night (7-9 hours minimum) for our bodies to rejuvenate, a weekly rest day free from all mental and physical work provides added benefit.
Why we sleep
Walker, M. (2018). Why we sleep. Scribner.
Humans are wired for connection and belonging. Knowing that we belong is a deeply felt need of all humans. Belonging provides deep meaning through positive connections which foster freedom from addictions. Knowing we belong helps us understand our value both individually and collectively. It also encourages altruism that leads to experiences of flourishing. Close relationships that include a sense of secure belonging are connected to life satisfaction and resilience.
Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong
Hari, J. (2015, June). Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong. [Video]. TED.
Flourishing is a broad construct that involves experiences of thriving and abundance in physical, psychological, and spiritual domains of wellness.
Lifestyle medicine pillars as predictors of psychological flourishing
Burke, J., & Dunne, P. J. (2022). Lifestyle medicine pillars as predictors of psychological flourishing. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 963806.
Harvard University: The Human Flourishing Program Research
Flourishing Experience Scale: a new scale to measure positive, affect-based flourishing state experiences.
Fosha, D., Coleman, J. J., Iwakabe, S., Gretton, H., Nakamura, K., Nunnink, S., … Owen, J. (2024). The development of the Moments of Flourishing Experience Scale: a new scale to measure positive, affect-based flourishing state experiences. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1–27.
An interdisciplinary mental wellbeing intervention for increasing flourishing: two experimental studies
Przybylko, G., Morton, D. P., Morton, J. K., Renfrew, M. E., & Hinze, J. (2022). An interdisciplinary mental wellbeing intervention for increasing flourishing: two experimental studies. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 17(4), 573-588.
The long-term outcome of accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy
Iwakabe, S., Edlin, J., Fosha, D., Thoma, N. C., Gretton, H., Joseph, A. J., & Nakamura, K. (2022). The long-term outcome of accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy: 6- and 12-month follow-up results. Psychotherapy, 59(3), 431–446.
Learning to learn from positive experiences
Hanson, R., Shapiro, S., Hutton-Thamm, E., Hagerty, M. R., & Sullivan, K. P. (2021). Learning to learn from positive experiences. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 18(1), 142–153.
The effectiveness of AEDP in private practice settings
Iwakabe, S., Edlin, J., Fosha, D., Gretton, H., Joseph, A. J., Nunnink, S. E., Nakamura, K., & Thoma, N. C. (2020). The effectiveness of accelerated experiential dynamic psychotherapy (AEDP) in private practice settings: A transdiagnostic study conducted within the context of a practice research network. Psychotherapy, 57(4), 548-561.