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The School of Education prepares its students to be quality teachers and role models for the next generation.
Faculty and staff train students to become effective developers of human potential, demonstrating excellence and fostering similar growth in their students. Graduates from the School of Education are quality teachers modeling best practices with confidence, compassion, and competence.

Degree Details

A degree in Education lays the foundation for successful teaching at the elementary or secondary level. The Elementary Education track reflects a subject generalist approach that prepares students to teach in any of the content areas typically taught at the elementary level. The Secondary Education track recognizes the need for secondary school teachers to have a strong professional education component. Specializations are offered in Biology, Business, English, Mathematics, Music, Religious Studies, Social Studies.
BEd After Degree:
The two-year After Degree program in Education is designed for those who already hold a three-or four-year baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution. The After Degree is offered in both the Elementary and Secondary Tracks and is completed in two years.

Learn more about the School of Education.

Organization & Activities


The Educators Guild is a student-led association for Education majors. It offers workshops and presentations that provide professional development for pre-service teachers. Its mission is to promote principles of Christian education and values, professionalism, spiritual growth, social interaction, service to the community, and moral and academic excellence.


Kalmani Huether-Amoah
2020 / Bachelor of Education

Burman University greatly prepared me for my profession in teaching, their Field Experience and Practicum programs gave me experience within my working field before I graduated. The campus’ spiritual life and student association also kept me highly involved- I was blessed to meet life long friends while on campus and will always call Burman my home.

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