2021/2022 - Returning Full Time Students
Awards Day application deadline is …
DEADLINE: Application Submission - July 24; Loan Notice of Assessment - August…
We can help you and your organization improve your communication skills and build healthy…WORKSHOPS
-Positive Communication in Business-
The Conflict Transformation business workshops…Facilitators
Dr. Bruce Boyd
Bruce Boyd is a professor at Burman University with a special…
Discover the Burman experience with our webinar series. Throughout the school year, our enrolment…
AB Scholarship Program (non-renewable)Rutherford (Students up to 5 years from Gr. 12 Graduation)…
EQUITY means:
Creating equal access to opportunity for all to realize their highest…
Information Literacy Instruction
Most students entering university need further…
Civil Disturbance or Demonstration
Most campus demonstrations will be peaceful and business…
Disturbing, Disruptive, Self Destructive, or Threatening Behaviour
Burman believes the health…
If you are not able to attend a scheduled Open House or Burman UExperience weekend, come when it’s…
The Burman University Writing Centre offers writing support services to all Burman students in all…